Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Forgive and Forget"

Forgiveness is the greatest virtue a person can have. "Forgive and Forget" is easier said then done. Need to forgive arises only when something bad is done by the person who did something good before. Nobody acts badly with someone at the very first meet. So in times of anger and distrust we need to concentrate and keep reminding ourself of the one(or more) good deed that, that person did towards us. That one act of kindness needs to be planted deep in our heart. This can be done by deliberately reminding ourself of the good act when the bad one flashes through our memory. Only by forgiving will we free ourselves of the cluthes of the bad memories and be able to move ahead and be happy,coz that is the ulimate goal of life. Forget, and time will heal all the wounds and you wont realise when you forgave that person. Forgive and Forget for GOD loves he who forgives.
For a better soul, a better tomorrow, a happy YOU, "Forgive and Forget".